
Pinball Box2D Prototype

This has been due for quite a while now - another reason I should never consider "project management."

But in my defense:
We won the World-Cup. So spent a lot of days being "high"
IPL going on (ah c'mon.. cheerleaders)
Guess who saw 3 seasons of Clone Wars? Muhaha \m/

Ok so I wanted to learn how to use a "Physics Engine" in a game. I narrowed down to Box2D.
I wanted to make something new, so I thought how about a Pinball game! Well.. apparently people have already tried that.. so.. boo hoo.

I actually ran into some trouble, expected - considering this was the first time I used it. I didn't how to rig up the "Flipper" system. Then I came across this post. So that was the moment of "Boo hoo" i told above, people already "Been there, coded that"

The Game: (Requires Flash Player.. duh)
[Its 1 MB, wait till it loads]


Use LEFT and RIGHT Arrow Keys
P to Pause
SPACE or CLICK in the first screen

Known Bugs:
Flipper collision fails sometimes, probably due to drop in frame rates (Box2D requires constant time step)

Things to keep in mind:
When using b2RevoluteJointDef, do NOT set mass to zero and enable limit and motor.
Velocity and Position Iterations have little effect, they didn't seem to fix the flipper issue.

Note: It's doesn't work with with Flash Player 11


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